A dedicated team of Parishioners supports Fr John and Deacon Duncan at Mass. If you would like to join us, please get in touch with the relevant individual from the list below.
Altar Servers
Our Altar Servers include children, young people and adults, and play an important role at Mass. If you would like to consider becoming a Server, please contact Fr John on 01992 572516 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Peter Day (our Master of Ceremonies) on 01992 522476. Training is provided.
We have a small, friendly music group which provides music for all Masses in a range of church music to suit all tastes. They rehearse for 45mins before the 11.00am Mass and sing accompanied by the organ or musicians (keyboard, guitar, flute etc). We also have a digital music box for use when no ‘live’ music is available. We warmly welcome new members to play any instrument, sing or operate the music box.
Flower Arrangers
Our Church is made especially beautiful thanks to the small group of parishioners who take turns to arrange the flowers each week. If you have a flair for flower arranging contact the Parish Office.
Greeters (Ushers) perform an essential service: they offer a very warm welcome to everyone at Mass and are ready to help newcomers and visitors and to give practical assistance wherever needed. New Ushers are always welcome and training is provided. Please contact the Parish Office.
Church Readers perform a central role during Mass and we always welcome new volunteers. Training is provided. Please contact the Parish Office.