Baptisimal fontBaptism
Please collect a form after mass from Fr Martin.

A marriage ceremony in progressMarriage
For an appointment, please contact Fr Martin on 01992 572516. This should be at least six months before the date you would like your marriage to take place.

Stained glass window depicting The WordAnnual Service for the Bereaved
This is held in November every year. We automatically contact Parishioners who have been bereaved during the past 12 months.

first communionFirst Holy Communion
Preparation for First Holy Communion is at the heart of our Parish Community and is well supported every year by the Church, local schools, parents, and, of course, by the children themselves.
For further details please contact Fr Martin on 01992 572516.

Diocesan Youth Retreat HouseConfirmation
The Rite of Confirmation is celebrated in the Parish every three years. It is for young people who are at least 14 years of age. Preparation classes take place over several months. Adult preparation classes may also be organised.

Please look for an announcement in the Parish Newsletter of a forthcoming Rite of Confirmation. Then write a letter to Fr Martin to request details and to tell him why you would like to be confirmed.

The Church AltarJourney in Faith (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at the Epping Catholic Church is a warm and welcoming group designed for adults and older children who wish to learn more about Catholicism. This is the group for you if you are making a tentative or firm step towards becoming a Catholic. The group meets weekly between September and Easter.

For further details please contact Fr Martin on 01992 577173.